I enjoy games like this - a Scorched Earth style game. I really like the animation, as i think it is crisp and fun. The music could use a little more diversity, as it makes me want to silence it altogether. There is a good variety of weapons, though some act weird. For example, dirt effectively penetrates a shield, but napalm does not. I like that you can battle endlessly. My big problems with it for now are that most of the weapons do so much damage that you can easily blow the enemy tank to smithereens in one hit, as it can readily do to you. The premium tanks are extremely brutal when controlled by the AI - often 1-hit, 1-kill. Given the targeting system is very generous in giving you a good chunk of a parabolic arc, aiming is pretty easy unless the enemy is in a weird spot. Another issue is that while the overall map seems somewhat random, any given battle location is fixed - the same things in the same locations every time. Plus, the tanks are in the same relative positions on the map most of the time. Dirt seems to do really odd things to your tank. Sometimes, a pebble rips you a new one, while other times a mountain falls on you and nothing much happens. The enemy tank seems far more likely to gracefully withstand mountains, though. I am weirded out that tanks take no damage from falling, and can scale cliffs with ease. Maybe as a special tank ability, those would be better. I am looking forward to seeing what upgrades and changes bring, though.